
What does Delivery Management involve?

We're not just about checking off tasks on a to-do list. We're about delivering real, tangible results that drive your business forward. With our service, you get meticulously crafted product roadmaps, a well-groomed product backlog, and agile sprints that are executed to perfection. But that's not all. Our project managers are your strategic partners. They work closely with you to brainstorm innovative features, conduct insightful experiments, understand your user base, and ultimately, help you scale your business to new heights.


Sprint 0The Foundation Layer

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and in the world of agile project management, that step is Sprint 0. This is the phase where we set the stage for the entire project. We define the scope, set the objectives, and establish the guidelines that will govern the project. It's like laying the foundation for a skyscraper; it needs to be rock-solid to support the towering structure that will be built upon it.

Documentation: PRDs, TRDs, User Flow Diagrams, Weekly Sprint Review, Sprint Release Documentation

Documentation is the backbone of any successful project. It's the blueprint, the roadmap, and the playbook, all rolled into one.

  • PRDs (Product Requirement Documents): These are the what, why, and for whom. They outline the product features, the problems they solve, and the metrics that will be used to measure their success.
  • TRDs (Technical Requirement Documents): These are the how. They provide a detailed technical breakdown of each feature, including the architecture, technologies to be used, and the data models.
  • User Flow Diagrams: These visual aids help us understand the user's journey through the product. They are crucial for designing an intuitive user interface.
  • Weekly Sprint Review: Every week, we take stock of what was achieved, what wasn't, and why. This helps us recalibrate our efforts for the next sprint.
  • Sprint Release Documentation: This is the report card for each sprint. It details what was delivered, how it was tested, and what the key takeaways are.

Agile Ceremonies: The Rhythm of Success

Agile ceremonies are the heartbeat of our project management approach. They include daily stand-ups, sprint planning meetings, and sprint reviews. These rituals ensure that the team is aligned, the project is on track, and any roadblocks are identified and addressed promptly. It's like the regular health check-ups that ensure the project is fit and running smoothly.

Product Thinking: Beyond Features

We don't just build features; we build solutions. Our approach is rooted in Product Thinking, a philosophy that focuses on solving real-world problems rather than just coding. We delve deep into understanding your users, their challenges, and how our product can make their lives better. It's not just about building; it's about creating value.

Discovery: The Art of Uncovering Insights

Before we write a single line of code, we embark on a discovery phase. This involves conducting user interviews, analyzing market trends, and running small-scale experiments. The goal is to gather as much data as possible to inform our product decisions. It's like the reconnaissance mission before the main battle; it's essential for victory.


Speed to Market

Our agile methodology ensures that you get your product to market faster than traditional methods.

Quality Assurance

Our rigorous documentation and review processes mean that the end product is of the highest quality.

Team Alignment

The agile ceremonies we conduct ensure that every team member is aligned with the project goals.

Data-Driven Decisions

Our focus on discovery and user research means that every feature we build is backed by data.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sprint 0?

Sprint 0 is the initial phase of the project where we lay the groundwork. It's the planning stage that sets the tone for the entire project.

What kind of documentation do you provide?

We provide PRDs, TRDs, User Flow Diagrams, Weekly Sprint Reviews, and Sprint Release Documentation. Each of these documents serves a specific purpose and is crucial for the project's success.

What are Agile Ceremonies?

Agile ceremonies are regular meetings that include daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and sprint reviews. They help keep the project on track and ensure that the team is aligned.

Why is Product Thinking important?

Product Thinking ensures that we are building a product that solves real problems and adds value to the end-user. It's not just about coding; it's about creating a product that people will love and use.

Don’t Take Our Word For It, Hear Theirs.
Sandeep Sood
CEO, Kunai
Our wide range of areas of expertise








React Native

React Native



Cloud, & Infrastructure



DevOps & Maintenance

DevOps & Maintenance

Data & Artificial Intelligence

Generative & Applied AI

Generative & Applied AI

Data Engineering

Data Engineering